State Officer Team
The South Carolina FBLA State Officer Team is composed of postsecondary students that are either elected by their peers or appointed by state staff on an annual basis. This dedicated team of student leaders develops and implements the annual program of work, serves as a resource for the local chapters, and is an integral part of each of our events.

Team 77: 2024-2025
Prior State Presidents
​Developing the skills necessary to lead is one of the crucial takeaways from the FBLA experience. The members of our state elected the following individuals to put their leadership skills into action to guide our state chapter for their respective term in office.
2021 - 2024
2023/2024 - Emma Horne, Abbeville High
2022/2023 - Sheriyah Hicks, Sumter High
2021/2022 - Chloe Carter, Blythewood High
2020/2021 - Chloe Carter, Blythewood High
2001 - 2010
2009/2010 - Frederick Grimm, North Augusta High
2008/2009 - Ashley Flowers, Hemingway High
2007/2008 - Monica Mitchell, Crestwood High
2006/2007 - Alesia Williams, Dreher High
2005/2006 - Allison Brevard, Crestwood High
2004/2005 - Laretia Williams, Dreher High
2003/2004 - Janie Lunsford, Aiken High
2002/2003 - Janie Lunsford, Aiken High
2001/2002 - Rachel McKie, North Augusta High
​2000/2001 - Auryelle Ascue, Wando High
1981 - 1990
1989/1990 - April Odom, Hartsville Career Center
1988/1989 - Rickey Renck, Hartsville Career Center
1987/1988 - William Day, Hillcrest High (Dalzell)
1986/1987 - Angela McLeod, Hillcrest High (Dalzell)
1985/1986 - Troy Knight, Jr., Lake City High
1984/1985 - Michaela McCall, Parker High
1983/1984 - Charles "Chip" Shealy, A. C. Flora High
1982/1983 - Charles "Chip" Shealy, A. C. Flora High
1981/1982 - Patty Spach, Central High
​1980/1981 - ​Sherry Davis, ​James Island High
1961 - 1970
1969/1970 - Becky Gosnell, Parker High
1968/1969 - Charlie Brown, A. C. Flora High
1967/1968 - Debbie Durham, Greenville Senior High
1966/1967 - Elaine Shetley, Greenville Senior High
1965/1966 - Bonnie Holcombe, Parker High
​1964/1965 - Pamela Brock, Bishop England High
1963/1964 - Beverly Beckwith, Greenville Senior High
1962/1963 - Don Tyler, Eau Claire High
1961/1962 - Donna Rook, Newberry High
1960/1961 - ​John Farmer, ​Eau Claire High
2011 - 2020
2019/2020 - Travis Johnson, Crestwood High
2018/2019 - Travis Johnson, Crestwood High
2017/2018 - Kate Wells, North Augusta High
2016/2017 - Quadri Bell, Manning High
2015/2016 - Quadri Bell, Manning High
2014/2015 - ​Alyssa Koziarski, St. James High
2013/2014 - Hunter Harley, Lexington Technology Center
2012/2013 - Forrest Holloman, Nation Ford High
2011/2012 - Jalaina LaGree, Dreher High
2010/2011 - Luke Christie, Dixie High
1991 - 2000
1999/2000 - Ruby Helton, Crestwood High
1998/1999 - Chris Turner, Florence Career Center
1997/1998 - Jennifer Matos, Crestwood High
1996/1997 - Elizabeth Sligh, Columbia High
1995/1996 - Tina Morris, Florence Career Center
1994/1995 - Wesley Scott, Blackville-Hilda High
1993/1994 - Phoebe de la Cruz, Hillcrest High (Dazell)
1992/1993 - Kenny Wimberly, Furman High
1991/1992 - ​Tanisha Cook, Columbia High
​1990/1991 - April Odom, ​Hartsville Career Center
1971 - 1980
1979/1980 - Robbie Collins, J. C. Lynch High
1978/1979 - Ramona Bundrick, Airport High
1977/1978 - Linwood Parrott, J. C. Lynch High
1976/1977 - Charles Morgan, J. C. Lynch High
1975/1976 - Marcus Thomas, Wagener-Salley High
1974/1975 - Janet Lee, J. C. Lynch High
1973/1974 - Rose Black, Mauldin High
1972/1973 - Kathy Lee McKinney, Parker High
1971/1972 - Connie Payne, Greenville Senior High
​1970/1971 - Al Newell, A. C. Flora High
1954 - 1960
1959/1960 - Alex Patrick, Taylors High
1958/1959 - Doris Miles, Eau Claire High
1957/1958 - Unknown
1956/1957 - Gwynne Burrows, Hemingway High
1955/1956 - Lynne Mahaffey, Greenville Senior High
1954/1955 - Barbara Yarborough, Chester High
1953/1954 - Edward Taylor, Blythewood High
Prior National Officers
The South Carolina FBLA members below utilized the leadership skills they gained at the state and local levels to lead their peers at the national level!
​2019/2020 - Travis Johnson, Crestwood High
2000/2001 - Courtney Owen, Florence Career Center
1997/1998 - Elizabeth Sligh, Columbia High
Southern Region VP
2024/2025 - Emma Horne, Abbeville High
2010/2011 - Donnie Iorio, Nation Ford High
1990/1991 - Jean Thompson, Hillcrest High (Dalzell)
1999/2000 - Courtney Owen, Florence Career Center