FBLA helps middle school students explore careers in business through academic competitions, leadership development, and educational programs.

LEAD Awards
Enhance leadership skills, expand business knowledge, contribute to local communities, and earn recognition!
The LEAD Awards are an individual achievement award program open to all active, paid FBLA Middle School members. Participating students have the opportunity to enhance their leadership skills, expand their business knowledge, contribute to their local communities, and earn recognition by immersing themselves in their school and communities.

Level 1: Explore Award
Members are introduced to the foundations of FBLA and learn how to best take advantage of the opportunities available to members through three courses:
1. Welcome to FBLA Middle School
2. Making the Most of Your Experience
3. Introduction to Leadership

Level 2: Aspire Award
These 4-hour courses take a deep dive into specialized content areas. Courses may be repeated. New courses continue to be added throughout the year.
- Time Management
- FutureSmart Financial Literacy